Rack Inspections
Why are Rack Inspections Necessary?
Collapsing pallet racking poses a danger for users, including the workers themselves and anyone else who happens to be nearby. When damaged or low-quality racks fail under heavy loads, they can cause accidents, serious injuries, or even death.
A wide variety of pallet racks for specific types of applications are sold on today's market. Since the construction of pallet racks is not regulated, their quality varies greatly. In fact, while some manufacturers, distributors, or installers provide excellent quality products and services, others have a tendency to offer their customers less robust racks, which can jeopardize quality and safety.

We Can Help!
We not only design and install storage rack systems, but we also provide professional, effective, and detail-oriented storage rack inspections to existing rack systems. With an immense amount of experience and national certifications, the inspectors at PHI have a keen eye for identifying threatening damage in even the most complex rack systems.
Progressive Handling
Inspection Options
Make sure you're covered
A Damage Safety Inspection is what the Rack Manufacturing Institute (RMI) and OSHA will request for assessing rack system damage and safety.
A "Damage Safety Inspection" includes:
Facility walk-through using two inspectors
Storage system drawing to correspond with damage inspection sheets
Pricing for replacement of damaged and/or under-rated components
Installation pricing, including removal and replacement of damaged and/or under-rated rack components
Safety inspection damage report, listing the damaged component's level of damage
Damage Safety Inspection
Damage Safety Engineering Inspection
To the last detail
A Damage Safety Engineering Inspection will also fulfill the Rack Manufacturing Institute (RMI) and OSHA requests for assessing rack system damage and safety. This inspection gives you a fully engineered rack system report, identifying damaged components and their locations in your facility.
A "Damage Safety Engineering Inspection" includes
Facility walk-through using two inspectors
Storage system drawing to correspond with damage inspection sheets
Spreadsheet report of all system components and their specifications
Pricing for replacement of damaged and/or under-rated components
Installation pricing, including removal and replacement of damaged and/or under-rated rack components
List of components and their level of damage based on their application
Safety inspection damage report, listing the damaged component's level of damage